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Rochford Scouts -
(Harvest Festival & Harry Potter camp)
4th Rochford Scout Group's Harvest Festival
Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Leaders and a few Parents enjoyed their annual Harvest Festival at St. Andrew’s Church in Rochford. The children all took groceries & fresh produce to put on the table in church. The Service was conducted by Alex Bowland, Sue Mills & Catherine Edwards, who reminded the kids about all the people in the world who are not so fortunate as themselves.
Clive Willson, the Church Warden said, “Thank you to all the Group & everyone for providing so much for this day. It is very heartwarming. We are proud to have a link with the 4th Rochford Scout Group”. The food & produce was taken to St. Mark’s Hall in Rochford, where Jackie Pope distributed it all via the local Food Bank.
4th Rochford Scouts at the "Harry Potter" District Camp!!! Friday 29th September -
Over 20 Scouts from our Scout Troop took part in the Crouch Valley District Camping Weekend! It was a “Harry Potter” Themed Camp at Belchamps in Hockley, along with 100 other Scouts from the Crouch Valley District!
The weekend was filled with games, activities, skills, mini challenges, a fun cooking competition & even a Quidditch Match against other Troops from the District! The kids had great fun making their own Broomsticks!
One competition gave them great pleasure in pelting their Leaders with Wotsits to see which Troop’s Team could get the most to stick to the cream on their Leaders heads!!!! They particularly enjoyed seeing the Owl flying display too and getting up close and personal with an owl. A brilliant weekend and thank you to the Organisers & Leaders from the Crouch Valley District!