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Rochford Scouts - November 2018 (1)

(Badge Presentation & Fireworks)    

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VIP Guest at the Annual Badge Presentation & Fireworks!!! Tuesday 6th November 2018

There was a fantastic turnout of about 120 people for this annual Group Event!!!  Lots of very proud parents joined the Beavers, Cubs, Scouts & Young Leaders in the Scout Hall to see the ceremony where badges & certificates were awarded to their children for the various activities that they’ve taken part in throughout the year. They were very honoured to be joined by the current Chairman of Rochford District Council, Cllr. David Merrick and previous Chairman (also a friend of many years to the Group), Mrs Heather Glynn,  who were both very impressed to hear about all the wonderful activities that the whole Group take part in!

Cllr Merrick said, “It is wonderful to see the confidence that Scouting gives to these children, which will carry on with them into later life”.  Combining the annual badge presentations and a brilliant firework display, made the evening a great success!