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Rochford Scouts - November 2015 (1)

(The AGM with VIP Guest)


Organisations    4th Rochford Scouts

The Chairman of Rochford District Council, Cllr. Heather Glynn came along to help present badges & certificates to the Beavers, Cubs, Scouts & Young Leaders!

A lot of the children already know her simply as Heather from her work within the local schools!

It was a special evening for most of the kids, who were presented with their badges, but even more special for 5 little ones (and their parents) who were invested into the Group as Beavers!!!

After reciting the Beaver Scout Law, they were each the proud owners of a 4th Rochford T-Shirt, Scarf & Woggle!!! Well done!

After all the important stuff was over, everyone went outside to enjoy a spectacular Firework Display and indulge in a delicious BBQ Supper!

A very successful evening to get the Winter activities underway!

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4th Rochford Scouts AGM with local VIP as Guest!!!

3rd November 2015

What a fantastic turnout for our Annual AGM, with approx 150 parents, kids, leaders and one very special guest.