Perhaps it would be helpful to see some examples of their activities. Here are some first from Rochford’s web-site:
· Full Council 1st Wednesday in the Month (except August and December)
· Committee Meetings 2nd and 3rd Wednesdays in the Month
· Other meetings as deemed necessary
Statutory Functions:
· Maintenance of Streetlights owned by the Parish Council
· Parish Seats
· War Memorial
· Ashingdon Greensward
· Operation of Parish Council office.
· Hanging Baskets in Rochford Square
· Maintenance and planting of horse trough in Rochford Square
· Working in partnership with the District/County Council and other agencies.
· Maintenance of Bus Shelters
Council managed facilities/events:
· Allotments
· Cemetery
· Parish Rooms hire
· St. Marks Hall
· Doggetts Wildlife area
· Christmas Lights Festival
Representation on the following outside bodies:
· Rochford Hundred Assn. of Local Councils - 3 members, meetings quarterly in various locations in the Rochford District.
· Old Peoples Welfare Committee - 1 member, meetings monthly in Rochford
· Rochford & District Chamber of Trade – 1 member, meetings monthly in Rochford
· Crime and Disorder Panel – 1 member, meetings monthly in Rochford District
· Passenger Transport Forum – 1 member, meetings quarterly in various locations in Rochford District
· Police Consultative Group – 2 members, meetings quarterly in various locations within Castle Point and Rochford.
· Rayleigh & Rochford Assn. of Voluntary Services – 1 member, meetings quarterly in Rayleigh.
A lot of activity on our behalf!
Listen next to Hawkwell’s Mission: “To develop and sustain a sense of community within the parish of Hawkwell by addressing environmental, economic and social issues and delivering quality services to our Parishioners”.
And their Strategic objectives are:
1. To work with the Police and other authorities to nurture a safe and lawful environment:
2. To work for the improvement of the built environment
3. To work with Statutory and Non – statutory Bodies seeking to improve the quality of life for parishioners
4. To further develop the parks and the nature reserve in the parish to provide green and open spaces
5. To improve the environment in the Parish
6. To manage the affairs of the Council on an efficient and effective basis
Wow! Someone has given serious thought to their role!
Debating Class Questions:
1. Does anyone know why these parish boundaries were established and why?
2. Are they in the best position today or are there good reasons to change them?
3. Is there any better way to publicise the needs of the area and the activities of the Council? Should there also be, in addition to the existing present means, one big Internet Community Notice Board?
4. Is there any alternative way for local people to participate in the governance of the area?
Homework Tasks in increasing level of commitment to find out:
1. Find all the Notice Boards
2. Read them.
3. Go on line to each of the above web-sites and read their Minutes.
4. Dare to turn up at your Parish Council’s next meeting and take notes (that will worry them!)
A Final Frightening Confession
We have lived in Rochford for over thirty five years. For at least the first thirty of those years we never gave a thought to the council structure of the are or what they were doing. Is the area any the worse for that? No, because throughout that time there were people who did get involved. Is the area better because of their activities? We sincerely hope so, for their sakes as well as ours.
Well there it is, a gentle nudge. This is the area you live in. These are the people who have a say in it. They are there for you.
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