Open Arts Group - see also venue 22. (The pictures above and below were both 3-D - very clever!)
We now work through the venues of the 2015 Rochford Art Trail in numerical order. Venue 1 was a group exhibition. We have already covered two of the exhibitors here so will not repeat them. In the coverage that follows, in each case we will only present samples of the artists’ work. Where glass reflection prevents a photo regrettably we will not cover that work.
We simply cover them in a clockwise direction from the front door..
Tessa Frampton - see also venue 10 and the Pre-Trail Market. In the Upper Crust Bakery Tessa has fed us with pictures galore of cakes. Here we find some of her more traditional but fascinating work.
Dave Gilmore - see also venue 21 - and the individual article introducing him as well as the Pre-Trail Market. Grand Masters’ ladies have been his style in the past but now he is focusing on seascapes.
Lori Wiseman - see also Pre-Trail Market and last year. Since she was with us last year, Lori says she has greatly expanded her portfolio with a much wider variety of subjects, s you’ll see here..
Mark Miles - see also Venue 13 and the individual article introducing him - a relative newcomer to art but with a strong style.