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Local Government
Ashingdon Parish Council
Ashingdon Parish Council’s Christmas Buffet - December 8th 2011
What a good idea!
Ever mindful of the gap between residents and their Parish Council, the Ashingdon Parish Council laid on a Christmas Buffet in the Ashingdon Memorial Hall over lunchtime on the 8th December. As well as coming and having a enoyable buffet and an opportunity to chat with one another, residents were provided with entertainment and an opportunity to talk with representatives of the Police, the Neighbourhood Watch Scheme and the Recycling Team of Rochford District Council. A raffle was run in aid of St. John’s Ambulance.
The Police Presence
Hovering in the background to be available to the residents were PC Bernie Iley (at the back in yellow on the left) who is a Community Support Officer for Canewdon and Ashingdon, and PC Steve Thomas (tall, at the back below the clock) who is from Neighbourhood Policing and whose role covers Wakering, Barling, Ashingdon and Canewdon.
Community Support, Bernie told me, deals with low-key crime, community issues and social behaviour. Steve, from Neighbourhood Policing deals with long-term problem solving, resolving problem issues in the community, working through the Council, e.g. mental health issues etc., cycle coding, parking issues and so on.
A full turnout
Within a short while the hall was full to capacity and the Councillors coped admirably keeping the serving tables stocked with food and drink. The room was a constant hubbub with chatter as residents enjoyed the social gathering.
Carol Singing
After food had been collected and residents reseated, a choir of children from Ashingdon Primary School (left) trooped in and the gathering was treated to half a dozen carols and Christmas songs which, from the applause at the end, was much appreciated. It was a good time.
Throughout their singing every eye was focused on the young people (below)
Advice on hand
In one corner of the hall, Mike Hooper and John Metcalfe (above), representatives of Neighbourhood Watch, manned a table and fielded questions and provided literature etc. for all who came to them. (see our Neighbourhood Watch pages)
In another part of the hall, Jade Austin (right), a recycling officer from Rochford District Council (with Leader of RDC, Councillor Terry Cutmore, in the background) was available to talk to residents and answer any questions they may have had in respect of recycling. (You will know that Rochford District is the best in the country for recycling with a virtual 66% recycling rate - see RDC News)
It worked!
As a community event bridging the gap between Council and residents it worked and there was a good feel to it. Congratulations Ashingdon PC!
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